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NCLEX 34-38

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


A nursing student caring for a 6-month-old infant is asked to collect a urine specimen from the infant. The student collects the specimen by:
Attaching a urinary collection device to the infant’s perineum for collection
Obtaining the specimen from the diaper by squeezing the diaper after the infant voids
Catheterizing the infant using the smallest available French Foley catheter
Noting the time of the next expected voiding and preparing to collect the specimen into a cup when the infant voids


A nurse is collecting data on a child recently diagnosed with glomerulonephritis. Which of the following questions to the mother would elicit information about the cause of this disease?
“Did your child sustain any injuries to the kidney area?”
“Did your child recently complain of a sore throat?”
“Has your child had any diarrhea?”
“Have you noticed any rashes on your child?”


A nurse caring for a child with nephrotic syndrome reviews the medication record. The nurse notes that prazosin hydrochloride (Minipress) is prescribed for the child. The nurse determines that this medication has been prescribed to:
Reduce proteinuria
Decrease inflammation
Suppress the autoimmune response
Control hypertension


A nurse is assisting in planning discharge instructions to the mother of a child following orchiopexy, which was performed on an outpatient basis. Which of the following is the priority in the plan of care?
Pain control measures
Measurement of intake
Wound care
Cold and heat applications


A nurse has provided discharge instructions to the mother of an 18-month-old child following surgical repair of hypospadias. Which statement by the mother indicates a need for further instruction?
“I should carry my child by straddling the child on my hip.”
“I should use double diapers to hold the surgery site in place.”
“I should avoid toilet training right now.”
“I should encourage fluid intake.”


A nursing instructor is observing a nursing student caring for an infant with a diagnosis of bladder exstrophy. The nursing student provides appropriate care to the infant by:
Covering the bladder with a dry sterile dressing
Covering the bladder with a wet-to-dry dressing
Applying sterile water soaks to the bladder mucosa
Covering the bladder with a nonadhering plastic wrap


A nurse is assisting in developing a plan of care for a 10-year-old child diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. Following review of the plan of care, the nurse determines that which of the following is the priority for the child?
Restricting oral fluids
Allowing the child to play with the other children in the playroom
Promoting bedrest
Encouraging visits from friends


A nurse is providing information to the mother of a child with nephrotic syndrome regarding the edematous appearance of the child. Which of the following statements should the nurse make to the mother?
“Dress the child in loose-fitting clothing to hide the extra weight.”
“Children always look a little bit fat, so don’t be concerned.”
“The fluid retention should be controlled by medication and diet.”
“The child will always have this appearance, and preparing the child for the body image change is important.”


A nurse is providing instructions to a mother of a child with atopic dermatitis (eczema) regarding the application of topical cortisone cream to the affected skin sites. Which of the following statements, if made by the mother, indicates an understanding of the use of this medication?
“I need to wash the sites gently before I apply the medication.”
“The medication is applied everywhere except the face.”
“I need to apply the medication generously and allow it to absorb.”
“I shouldn’t rub the medication into the skin.”


A nurse in a physician’s office receives a telephone call from the mother of a child who tells the nurse that the child was just stung by a bee. The mother asks the nurse for instructions regarding removal of the stinger. Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide to the mother?
Leave the stinger alone because it will dissolve.
Squeeze the stinger out of the skin.
Remove the stinger by carefully scraping it out horizontally.
Wash the area with soap and water and apply heat to help the stinger move out of the skin.


A camp nurse is providing instructions to the parents of the children who are attending a daytime camp for the summer. The nurse instructs the parents to check their child daily for the presence of tick bites and tells the parents if a tick is found to first:
Remove the tick with a sterilized sewing needle.
Bring the child to the emergency department at the nearest hospital.
Suffocate the tick with a substance such as nail polish.
Remove the tick with tweezers immediately.


A 5-week-old infant is brought to the well-baby clinic by the mother because the mother has noted white patches in the infant’s mouth. Following assessment, the infant is diagnosed with oral candidiasis (thrush). Nystatin oral suspension is prescribed. The mother is concerned because she is breast-feeding the infant and asks the nurse if breast-feeding can be continued. Which of the following responses is appropriate?
“Breast-feeding must be stopped immediately.”
“Breast-feeding can continue, but your breasts should also be treated with nystatin.”
“You should bottle-feed the infant for 1 week and then resume breast-feeding.”
“You will need to take the oral nystatin also because the infant probably contracted the infection from you.”


A mother brings her child to the health care clinic because the child has developed lesions located around the mouth and nose, and mild impetigo is diagnosed. The nurse provides instructions to the mother regarding care of the child. Which statement by the mother indicates the need for further instructions?
“The impetigo is extremely contagious.”
“The lesions should be washed gently three times a day with a warm, soapy washcloth.”
“The crusts on the lesions need to be soaked and carefully removed.”
“My child will need to be treated with oral antibiotics.”


A child is diagnosed with tinea capitis of the scalp. Oral griseofulvin (Gris-PEG) has been prescribed for the child, and the nurse provides instructions regarding the administration of the medication. Which of the following instructions would the nurse provide to the mother?
Administer the medication with water.
Administer the medication on an empty stomach.
Administer the medication at bedtime.
Administer the medication with milk.


A nurse is caring for a child who was burned in a house fire. The nurse assists in developing a plan of care for monitoring the child during the treatment for burn shock. The nurse identifies which of the following assessments as providing the most accurate guide to determine the adequacy of fluid resuscitation?
Level of consciousness
Amount of edema at the site of the burn injury
Heart rate
Lung sounds


A 4-year-old child is being transported to the trauma center from a local community hospital for treatment of a burn injury that is estimated as covering over 40% of the body. The burns are both partial- and full-thickness burns. The nurse is asked to prepare for the arrival of the child and gathers supplies anticipating that which of the following will be prescribed initially?
Insertion of a nasogastric tube
Insertion of a Foley catheter
Administration of an anesthetic agent for sedation
Application of an antimicrobial agent to the burns


A nurse provides instructions to the mother of a child diagnosed with pediculosis (head lice). Permethrin (Nix) has been prescribed. Which statement by the mother regarding the use of the medication indicates a need for further instructions?
“After rinsing out the medication, I need to avoid washing my child’s hair for 24 hours.”
“I need to shampoo my child’s hair, apply the medication, leave it on for 10 minutes, and then rinse it out.”
“I need to shampoo my child’s hair, apply the medication, and leave the medication on for 24 hours.”
“I need to purchase the medication from the pharmacy.”


A nurse is reviewing the health care record of an infant suspected of having unilateral hip dysplasia. Which assessment finding would the nurse expect to note documented in the infant’s record regarding this condition?
Asymmetric adduction of the affected hip when placed supine with the knees and hips flexed
Asymmetry of the gluteal skin folds when the infant is placed prone and the legs are extended against the examining table
An apparent short femur on the unaffected side
Full range of motion in the affected hip


A child is brought to the emergency department, and a fracture of the left lower arm is suspected. The mother states that the child was Rollerblading and attempted to break a fall with an outstretched arm. The child receives diagnostic x-rays, from which it has been determined that a fracture is present. A plaster of paris cast is applied to the arm, and the nurse provides instructions to the mother regarding cast care at home. Which of the following instructions would the nurse provide to the mother?
The cast should be dry in about 6 hours.
The cast is water resistant, so the child is able to take a bath or a shower.
The cast will not mold to the body and should heal the fracture in no time at all.
The cast needs to be kept dry, because when wet it will begin to disintegrate.


A nurse is monitoring the child with a cast on the forearm for signs of compartment syndrome. The nurse understands that which data collection technique is unlikely to provide information about this complication?
Checking the quality of the radial pulse
Checking the child’s ability to extend the fingers
Checking for effectiveness of analgesics administered for pain
Checking the child’s ability to perform range of motion to the shoulder area of the affected extremity


An adolescent is seen in the emergency department following an athletic injury, and it is suspected that the child sprained an ankle. X-rays are taken, and a fracture has been ruled out. The nurse provides instructions to the adolescent regarding home care for treatment of the sprain and tells the adolescent which of the following?
Apply ice to the injured area for a period of 30 minutes every 4 to 6 hours for the first 24 hours.
Apply heat to the injured area every 4 hours for the first 48 hours, then begin to apply ice.
Immobilize the extremity and maintain the extremity in a dependent position.
Elevate the extremity and maintain strict bedrest for a period of 7 days.


A nurse provides instructions to the parents of an infant with hip dysplasia regarding care of the Pavlik harness. Which statement, if made by one of the parents, indicates an understanding of the use of the harness?
“I need to remove the harness to feed my infant.”
“I need to remove the harness to change the diaper.”
“My infant needs to remain in the harness at all times.”
“I can remove the harness to bathe my infant.”


A nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a child with juvenile idiopathic arthritis regarding measures to take if a painful exacerbation of the disease occurs. Which statement by the mother indicates the need for further instructions?
“The full range-of-motion [ROM] exercises must be performed every day, even during the exacerbations.”
“Hot or cold packs will assist in reducing discomfort.”
“The painful joint should be splinted and positioned in a neutral position.”
“I should have my child perform simple isometric exercises during exacerbations.”


A nurse is caring for a child with a fracture who is placed in skeletal traction. The nurse monitors for the most serious complication associated with this type of traction by checking for:
An increase in the blood pressure
A decrease in the urinary output
A lack of appetite
An elevated temperature


A 4-year-old child sustains a fall at home and is brought to the emergency department by the mother. Following x-ray examination, it has been determined that the child has a fractured arm, and a plaster cast is applied. The nurse provides instructions to the mother regarding cast care for the child. Which statement by the mother indicates a need for further instructions?
“The cast will feel warm when it is dried.”
“If the cast becomes wet, a fan may be used to dry the cast.”
“I need to call the physician if any blood or drainage appears on the cast.”
“I can apply ice to the casted area to prevent swelling.”


A nurse is collecting data on a 12-month-old child with iron deficiency anemia. Which of the following findings would the nurse expect to note in this child?
A reddened appearance to the cheeks


Oral iron is prescribed for a child with an iron deficiency anemia, and the nurse provides instructions to the mother regarding the administration of the iron. The nurse instructs the mother to administer the iron:
Just before a meal
Just after a meal
Between meals
With a fruit low in vitamin C


A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a child with aplastic anemia and notes that the white blood cell (WBC) count is 2000/mL and the platelet count is 150,000/mm3. Which of the following nursing interventions will the nurse incorporate into the plan of care?
Maintain strict isolation precautions.
Encourage the child to use a soft toothbrush.
Avoid unnecessary injections.
Encourage quiet play activities.


A nursing student is assigned to care for a child with hemophilia. The nursing instructor reviews the plan of care with the student and asks the student to describe the characteristics of this disorder. Which statement by the student indicates a need for further research?
Hemophilia is inherited in a recessive manner via a genetic defect on the X chromosome.
Males inherit hemophilia from their fathers.
Females inherit the carrier status from their fathers.
Hemophilia A results from deficiency of factor VIII.


A nurse is caring for a child following surgical removal of a brain tumor. The nurse is monitoring the child and notes that the pulse rate has increased and the blood pressure has dropped significantly. Bloody drainage is also noted on the posterior dressing. The initial nursing action is to:
Notify the registered nurse (RN).
Document the findings.
Recheck the vital signs in 1 hour.
Place the child in Trendelenburg’s position.


A nurse is assisting in preparing to care for a child with a brain tumor who will be returning from the recovery room following debulking of the tumor. Which of the following items will the nurse place at the bedside in preparation for the child’s return from surgery?
A suction machine
A cooling blanket
Protective isolation equipment
Skeletal traction equipment


A nurse has reviewed the physician’s orders for a child suspected of a diagnosis of neuroblastoma and is preparing to implement diagnostic procedures that will confirm the diagnosis. The nurse prepares to:
Collect a 24-hour urine sample.
Perform a neurological assessment.
Send the child to the radiology department for a chest x-ray.
Assist with a bone marrow aspiration.


A nurse is asked to prepare for the admission of a child to the pediatric unit with a diagnosis of Wilms’ tumor. The nurse assists in developing a plan of care for the child and suggests including which of the following in the plan of care?
Palpate the abdomen for an increase in the size of the tumor every 8 hours.
Inspect the urine for the presence of hematuria at each voiding.
Monitor the temperature for hypothermia.
Monitor the blood pressure for hypotension.


A nurse is monitoring the laboratory values of a child with leukemia who is receiving chemotherapy. The nurse prepares to implement bleeding precautions if the child becomes thrombocytopenic and the platelet count is less than:


A nurse is preparing to care for a child who received an allogenic bone marrow transplant (BMT). The nurse understands that which of the following is the priority concern?
Sensory alterations
Social isolation


A nurse is caring for a child with osteosarcoma following amputation of the left lower limb. The child is continually complaining of aching and cramping in the missing limb. The initial nursing action is which of the following?
Request a referral for a psychiatric consultation.
Ask the physician for an order for a placebo.
Reassure the child that this is a temporary condition.
Tell the child that the prosthesis will relieve this sensation.


A child is seen in the health care clinic and received an immunization of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine). One hour later, the mother calls the clinic and tells the nurse that the injection site is painful and red. Which of the following instructions would the nurse provide to the mother?
To return to the health care clinic immediately
To call the physician
To apply warm compresses on the site
To apply cold compresses for 24 hours following the injection


A nurse is preparing to administer a measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine to a 15-month-old child. Before administering the vaccine, which of the following questions would the nurse ask the mother of the child?
“Is the child allergic to any antibiotics?”
“Has the child had any sore throats?”
“Has the child been eating properly?”
“Has the child been exposed to any infections?”


A nurse of a well-baby clinic prepares to administer an immunization to a child. The mother of the child tells the nurse that the child has had a fever and is taking antibiotics. The nurse takes the child’s temperature and notes that it is 101.5° F rectally. The nurse plans to implement which of the following?
Administer the immunization.
Delay the immunization.
Administer one half of the prescribed dose of each scheduled immunization.
Administer one of the three scheduled immunizations.


A nursing student is assisting the clinic nurse with the administration of immunizations in the well-baby clinic. The student is asked to administer a measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine to a child and prepares to administer the vaccine:
Subcutaneously in the gluteal muscle
Subcutaneously in the upper arm
Intramuscularly in the deltoid muscle
Intramuscularly in the thigh


An adolescent is seen in the health care clinic with complaints of chronic fatigue. On physical examination, the nurse notes that the adolescent has swollen lymph nodes. A laboratory test is performed, and the results indicate the presence of Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis). The nurse calls the mother of the adolescent to inform the mother of the test results and provides instructions regarding the care of the adolescent. Which statement by the mother indicates an understanding of the care measures?
“I need to keep my child on bedrest for 3 weeks.”
“I will call the physician if my child is still feeling tired in 1 week.”
“I need to call the physician if my child complains of abdominal pain or left shoulder pain.”
“I need to isolate my child so that the respiratory infection is not spread to others.”


In preparing to care for a hospitalized child with a diagnosis of measles (rubeola), which supplies would the nurse bring to the child’s room to prevent the transmission of the virus?
Mask and gloves
Gown and gloves
Goggles and gloves
Gown, gloves, and goggles


A nurse is caring for a child with a diagnosis of roseola. The nurse provides instructions to the mother regarding preventing the transmission of the infection to the other children in the family and the other household members and tells the mother which of the following?
Isolate the child from others because the virus is transmitted by breathing and coughing.
Wash sheets and towels used by the child separately in bleach to prevent the spread of the infection to the others.
Have the child use a separate bathroom for urination and bowel movements to prevent the spread of infection through the urine and feces.
Avoid allowing the children to share drinking glasses or eating utensils because the disease is transmitted through the saliva.


A nurse is reviewing the immunization schedule for a child with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with the mother. Which of the following will be a component of the instructions that the nurse provides to the mother?
The immunization schedule needs to altered because of the HIV infection.
No live virus vaccines should be administered to the child.
Immunizations will not be given to the child with HIV infection.
Immunizations will be given to the child with HIV infection but will not be initiated until the child is 3 years old.


A nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a child who has been exposed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The nurse instructs the mother to notify the physician if which of the following symptoms occur in the child?
Lethargy or fatigue
Coughing or chest congestion
Irritability and fussiness

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


A nurse is collecting data from a child suspected of having juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Which findings would the nurse expect to note if JIA were present? Select all that apply.
Malaise, fatigue, and lethargy
Painful, stiff, and swollen joints
Limited range of motion of the joints
Stiffness that develops later in the day
Cool temperature of the skin over the affected joints
History of late afternoon temperature, with temperature spiking up to 105° F


A 6-year-old child with leukemia is hospitalized and is receiving combination chemotherapy. Laboratory results indicate that the child is neutropenic, and the nurse prepares to implement protective isolation procedures. Which interventions would the nurse initiate? Select all that apply.
Restrict all visitors.
Place the child on a low-bacteria diet.
Change dressings using sterile technique.
Encourage the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Perform meticulous handwashing before caring for the child.
Allow fresh-cut flowers in the room as long as they are kept in a vase with fresh water.


A CD4+ count has been ordered for a child with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The mother asks the nurse about the purpose of the test and why the test needs to be done if it is already known that the child has HIV. The nurse should provide which information to the mother? Select all that apply.
The CD4+ count is used to determine the child’s immune status.
The CD4+ count is used to identify the risk for disease progression.
The CD4+ count identifies the need for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis after 1 year of age.
The CD4+ count identifies the specific diagnosis of HIV infection.
The CD4 count is measured at ages 1 and 3 months, every 3 months until the age of 2 years, and at least every 6 months thereafter.
More frequent monitoring of CD4+ counts is indicated when pneumonia prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy are administered.

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